Canada has unveiled its much-anticipated Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026, providing a clear roadmap for the future of its immigration system. This plan reaffirms Canada's commitment to welcoming newcomers, balancing economic growth, and addressing pressing issues like housing, healthcare, and infrastructure. In this blog, we will delve into the details of this plan, including targets, changes, and the rationale behind these decisions.

Steady Immigration Levels

The Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026 maintains the same targets as those set under the Immigration Levels Plan 2023-2025. In 2024, Canada aims to admit 485,000 new immigrants, while in 2025 and 2026, the goal is to welcome 500,000 new immigrants each year. These figures underscore Canada's ongoing commitment to immigration as a driver of its economic and social progress.

Class Breakdown

To better understand the plan, let's break down the immigration targets by class.

Economic Class: In 2024, Canada aims to welcome approximately 281,135 immigrants under the economic class, representing 58% of the annual target. By 2026, this number is expected to rise to 301,250 immigrants, accounting for 60% of the annual target.

Family Class: The family class target for 2024 is set at 114,000 immigrants, constituting 24% of all admissions. This number will increase to 118,000 immigrants by 2026, maintaining the 24% share of all admissions.

Humanitarian Admission: The target for humanitarian admissions in 2024 is 89,865 immigrants, comprising about 19% of all admissions. This category includes refugees, protected persons, and individuals admitted for humanitarian, compassionate, or other reasons. By 2026, the target will be 80,832 immigrants, or 16% of admissions.

Express Entry and PNP Targets

Two significant immigration pathways, the Express Entry and Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), are set to see an increase in their admission targets:

Express Entry: In 2024, the target is 110,700 permanent resident admissions, rising to 117,500 immigrants in each of 2025 and 2026.

Provincial Nominee Program (PNP): The PNP target for 2024 is 110,000 immigrants, increasing to 120,000 in 2025 and remaining at 120,000 in 2026.

Government's Rationale

The decision to maintain the immigration targets stems from the government's careful consideration of various factors. In their own words, this plan aims to "support economic growth while balancing with the pressures in areas like housing, healthcare, and infrastructure." It represents a responsible approach to ensure sustainable and stable population growth. Starting in 2026, the government plans to stabilize permanent resident levels at 500,000, allowing for successful integration while contributing to Canada's labor market. Additionally, the government will recalibrate temporary resident admissions to ensure the immigration system's overall sustainability.

Historical Context

Canada's approach to immigration has evolved over the years. In the late 1980s, a shift in strategy recognized the impending labor shortage and increased immigration targets. The emphasis shifted towards economic class immigrants, contributing to a more balanced economy. The trend of rising targets continued, and in 2022, Canada achieved a record-breaking 437,000 admissions. The target for permanent resident admissions in 2023 is 465,000, reflecting Canada's ongoing commitment to maintaining high immigration levels.

Canada's Future Immigration Strategy

The release of the Immigration Levels Plan 2024-2026 coincides with Canada's new strategy to enhance its immigration system. The strategy, titled "An Immigration System for Canada's Future," focuses on three key goals:

Create a more welcoming experience for newcomers.

Align immigration with labor market needs.

Develop a comprehensive and coordinated growth plan.

This strategic approach seeks to make the immigration process more user-friendly, align policies with labor market requirements, and ensure Canada can provide housing, healthcare, and infrastructure to its growing newcomer population.


Canada's Immigration Levels Plan for 2024-2026 maintains a steady course, reflecting its commitment to immigration as a driver of economic and social progress. The plan takes into account the challenges of the day, ensuring responsible growth while addressing critical issues. As Canada continues to evolve its immigration system, it remains a welcoming and inclusive destination for newcomers looking to contribute to the country's prosperity.

If you're considering Canadian immigration, stay informed about the evolving opportunities and pathways. Canada's commitment to a bright future for newcomers is as strong as ever.

Canada’s Category-Based Immigration Program: No Job Offer Needed

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